Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Does Ready Force Staffing charge a fee to employees seeking temporary or full-time work assignments?
A: No. There is never a fee to job seekers for our service.
Q: What types of positions does Ready Force Staffing offer?
A: We offer temporary assignments, as well as temp-to-hire and direct placement service. We can help you with any kind of work situation you seek.
Q: If I accept an assignment with Ready Force Staffing, who is my actual employer?
A: Any person who goes on an assignment through our company is a Ready Force Staffing employee. Your paycheck is issued by Ready Force Staffing, and by law we are required to take taxes out as determined by the exemptions you claim. In addition, you are covered by our workers’ compensation insurance.
Q: If I apply for a job with Ready Force Staffing when can I begin work?
A: As soon as your application file has been competed, you’ll be ready to go to work. Your skills and the type of work you want will largely determine how soon we are able to find you the right assignment.
Q: Will all temporary assignments be 40 hours per week?
A: Typically, assignment lengths vary and we must balance the needs of our employers with the preferences of our workers. We are flexible, however, and try to provide workers with whatever assignment length they need. But keep in mind that while many assignments are 40 hours per week, we can’t guarantee that will be the case for all assignments.